This position counterposes the previous two postures, helping to release any tension that may have built up. The Bridge helps to strengthen the neck and spine and also increases your lung capacity.

Setu BandhaSarvangasanathe Pose Step -1
Lie flat on the floor on your back with your knees bent and shoulder- width apart. Your arms should be alongside your body.
Setu BandhaSarvangasanathe Pose Step -2
Exhale and raise your hips, supporting your lower back with your hands. Your thumbs should be around the front of your body and your fingers at the back. Keep your and head on the floor throughout the exercise shoulders, neck and head on the floor throughout the exercise
Setu BandhaSarvangasanathe Pose Step -3
Let your hips and chest on high up is possible and breathe inta the chest. You should feel a good stretch on your thighs. Keep your knees parallel with your toes painting forwards. Try to keep your neck, head and shoulders on the floor, and breathe deeply into the chest rather than the abdomen. Hold the position for fire ujiay breaths